STIs are illnesses which are mainly transmitted sexually. They are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or protozoan. HIV, Syphilis, viral Hepatitis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are all STI illnesses. Some of these infections are classed by the German health authorities as notifiable and must be registered (partly anonymously, but Hepatitis ABC with name).
Vaccinations exist for Hepatitis A+B or HPV. Condoms can reduce the risk of acquiring STIs. There is also PREP-therapy available to avoid HIV transmission. Safer sex is important, however safer sex cannot prevent all the transmission of diseases such as chlamydia or syphilis.
It is important to be tested regularly for STI, especially if you have alternating sexual partners. It might not be possible to recognize every infection. An early diagnosis gives a chance of efficient treatment and helps avoiding transmission to others.
The majority of STI are curable. For some, such as HIV, there are treatments to suppress viral replication, avoid HIV related illnesses and HIV-transmission.
Our Service
There are several checkpoints for testing sexually transmitted diseases. The outpatient care in Germany usually happens in medical practices: Diagnosis and therapy in case of symptoms, routine checks for early detection according to national guidelines. Berlin is part of the Fast-Track Cities initiative.
Patients, who have moved to Berlin, speak frequently about "your clinic" - of course, the doctors' practices are not a hospital (German = Klinik). picks up this wording with “STI-clinic”, sorts important topics and shows the way to diagnostic and therapy.
We expressly point out the good service of all specialized colleagues. You can find them in many districts of Berlin like the HIV-specialized doctors from the Arbeitskreis AIDS of physicians in private practices.
Further contact points for STI testing are the health authorities of the districts of the city of Berlin and offers of some communities such as Mann-O-Meter Berlin, Berliner AIDS-Hilfe, Pluspunkt Berlin. A central STI-checkpoint in Berlin is planned since 2018.
The medical society is the German STI Society (DGSTI - founded 1912). In addition, there are the German Society for Infectious Diseases (DGI - founded 1973) and the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter e.V. (DAGNÄ – founded 1990).
Your Insurance
- A cost assumption can be regulated differently: acute symptomatic diseases vs. routine checks - Public vs. private vs. no insurance.
- You have a public German insurance ?
With your valid insurance-card most of the services are covered. - You have an insurance in an EU-country ? (European Social Contracts includes health care in the EU)
With your valid EU-insurance card and your ID most of the services are payed by your insurance through a public German insurance. - You have a private insurance ?
You will a. get two bills (laboratory and office), b. pay the laboratory (labwork can be very cost-intensive) and office and c. get reimbursed by your insurance. - You have a special private insurance (e.g. travel or student)
Often those contracts only cover emergency cases - prevention and chronic diseases are excluded. Please bring your contract and details will be discuss with you. You will a. get two bills (laboratory and office), b. pay the laboratory (labwork can be very cost-intensive) and office and c. get reimbursed by your insurance. - You have no insurance ?
After informing your clinic, essential services will be offered and prices discussed with you. You pay the services to the laboratory and office. Health authorities and community services offer their service with limited or no costs, but can´t offer therapy.
risk contact
less than 72 h
ago ? Urgent
contact to

HIV or
? Soon
contact to

- symptoms or
tested positive
? Soon

routine check
? There
is time
to plan

? infos here -
check your

? Contact to

? Ask for